Unique project just 1 km from the sea in Rabac area!
The land is slightly sloping so that it terraces towards the sea offering wonderful sea views!
The land has total area is 101,170 m2, of which a part of approximately 71.170,00 m² is located in the zone of ungraded unsettled construction area for residential and small business facilities (trimmed light yellow), part of 19.630,00m² is located in zone TP - a separate construction area outside the resort - tourist purpose, and part of approx. 10,370.00 m² in the area of non-urban area, in a green zone, where construction is not allowed.
On an urbanized area of 71,170 m2, 56 plots have been parceled out and intended for villas with swimming pools and plots for the road in the settlement.
It is planned to build 54 villas that would vary in the area of 150-750m2 net, on plots of 500-2000 m2.
The total construction area will be about 17,000 m2.
There are also two multifunctional buildings that together have an area of about 150 m2:
1) restaurant with pool on the first floor and an apartment of 150 m2.
2) indoor pool with wellness center and also an apartment of 150 m2
One sample villa has already been built with a swimming pool and garage, and a request for legalization has been submitted.
It is necessary to make a detailed plan for obtaining construction permits, because previously obtained location permits became invalid due to the fact that no construction permits were obtained and the main projects were not submitted due to the payment of utility and water fees.
There are 46 detailed projects have been designed. It is realistic to expect to obtain building permits within 6 months.
On an urbanized area of 20,000 m2 it is possible to build a family boutique hotel with 150 beds on 3 floors (GF + 2).
The access road in the settlement is paved and made in the category of white road so that each terrain has direct access to the main road.
The settlement plans to have its own fecal sewage system - biological treatment plant, also a substation with street lighting and a water reservoir.
The transmission line that crossed the land has been relocated and now the cables have been put into the ground, water supply has also been brought to the plot.
For sale are shares in a company which is 100% owner of the said land and project.
The company did not operate and was registered only for the said project, and the land is owned by 1/1 and there are no encumbrances or burdens of third parties.
Everything can be re-parceled and completely new projects of villas or hotels can be made upon the request of the investor/buyer!